
Just Having Tea (series)
2016 -
Performances happen in various locations

The Way of Tea (Chado), which developed as an artform and a way of life in its own right since the 15th century in Japan, is at the same time a path of knowledge and insight, as it is a Gesamtkunstwerk, a synthesis of artforms.


I have no doubt that, within ten years, the fundamental Way of Tea will die out.
When it dies out, people in society will believe, on the contrary, that it is flourishing.
The miserable end - when it becomes completely a matter of worldly amusement – is now in sight.

Sen no Rikyu, teamaster, 1589


"Just Having Tea | Paris" from Lars Schmidt on Vimeo


"Just Having Tea | Marseille" from Lars Schmidt on Vimeo


Placeholder #3
Image: Delia Spatareanu
Directing, Performance & Sound: Cyril Lamar (aka)

"For all those working to defend the sanctity of Earth's precious land and life"

The Placeholder Series are performances and rituals in a public space.
Notions of ‘being in service’, of interrelatedness, and the concept of 'honoring' are at their center.

Placeholder #4 from Cyril Lamar on Vimeo.


Placeholder #1 from Cyril Lamar on Vimeo.


Lines #1

Lines #1 from Lars Schmidt on Vimeo.



"Berlin, 27.08.16" from Schmidt+Brecke on Vimeo


Snowy Owl = You

"Snowy Owl = You" from Schmidt+Brecke on Vimeo


4K, w/sound, 2016

" is assumed that everything that happens, ranging from earthquakes, to gossip, to murder, to joy, to love, to laughter, and all the rest, is an incredible zig-zag of what might be seem otherwise to be unclassifiable and disordered experience, but is, in fact, all framed within the Shivaite concept of The Dance." - Gregory Bateson

"Nobodies" from Schmidt+Brecke on Vimeo


Conversation w/ two dogs
HD, silent, 2016
Catalunya / Spain

Conversation w/ two dogs from Lars Schmidt on Vimeo.


HD, silent, 2014
Drome Valley / France

Rivercloud from Lars Schmidt on Vimeo.


A Blanket for the Soil
Drome Valley / France, March 2010


Conversation with Forest Trail in Winter
Drome Valley / France, March 2010